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Tourists enjoy boat rides in Pingshan canyon in C China's Hubei

来源:Planet Pages news portal编辑:business时间:2024-04-30 11:36:57

  Tourists enjoy boat rides in the Pingshan canyon, a tourist attraction famous for its limpid water, in Hefeng County, central China's Hubei Province, Jan. 28, 2023. (Photo by Yang Shunpi/Xinhua)

  Tourists enjoy boat rides in the Pingshan canyon, a tourist attraction famous for its limpid water, in Hefeng County, central China's Hubei Province, Jan. 30, 2023. (Photo by Yang Shunpi/Xinhua)

  Tourists enjoy boat rides in the Pingshan canyon, a tourist attraction famous for its limpid water, in Hefeng County, central China's Hubei Province, Jan. 30, 2023. (Photo by Qin Tao/Xinhua)

  Tourists enjoy boat rides in the Pingshan canyon, a tourist attraction famous for its limpid water, in Hefeng County, central China's Hubei Province, Jan. 30, 2023. (Photo by Qin Tao/Xinhua)

  Tourists enjoy boat rides in the Pingshan canyon, a tourist attraction famous for its limpid water, in Hefeng County, central China's Hubei Province, Jan. 28, 2023. (Photo by Qin Tao/Xinhua)

  Tourists enjoy boat rides in the Pingshan canyon, a tourist attraction famous for its limpid water, in Hefeng County, central China's Hubei Province, Jan. 30, 2023. (Photo by Yang Shunpi/Xinhua)

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